Our Trips of 2002.
We made three trips in the year 2002. Our first trip, in January, was to Florida. The Hershey Winter Reunion in Kissimmee, Florida, was the first stop of this trip. We then visited the Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island just outside Ft. Myers, Florida.
We next made a Travelwild tour to see Alaskan brown bears at the Brooks River in July.
In late July we headed to the Hershey reunion in Indiana, followed by a driving tour through New England and the Eastern Canadian Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland. Actually, we drove to Newfoundland from Indiana as fast as we could, and then visited the other Maritime Provinces on our return. This last trip was almost eight weeks, and covered over 12,600 miles from when we left our home in Austin, Texas. Over 4000 miles were driven in Newfoundland.
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